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Project Profile

The 2D Holographic GeoNavigator for the outdoor traveller


Interactive Product

Project period: 3.5 months

Individual Project (2022)

Industrial Design

Human – centred Design

Human beings are naturally close to nature and love it, and as more people become aware of the sport and join in the adventure, accidents are happening more often. Behind such incidents, many explorers lack basic knowledge of the outdoors and even the ability to read a map, making getting lost a large part of the reason for exploring accidents. So I decided to combine modern holographic projection technology to design a holographic interactive navigator that would give the adventurer a better experience and a lower barrier to use.

Project background, defining scope and understanding

There is an integral part of why people love the outdoors, and that part is human nature. So it was my initial research question to think about how to explore safely while enjoying the sense of achievement, challenge and fun of the outside world.

Validating ideas with data

According to AP and STRAVA surveys, there was a surge in the number of people participating in outdoor activities in 2020. People in the US and worldwide want to increase their time outdoors after the outbreak.

Conversely, the surge in numbers has brought more outdoor accidents

Validating ideas with data

According to CAA data reports for the last four years

The number of people getting lost on outdoor adventures is set to surge from 2018 to 2020, with nearly half of all outdoor injuries and fatalities resulting from getting lost.

Thinking about WHY - understanding the user

Emotional lows occur in the second and fourth stages of the adventure process and are accompanied by pain points from which to find the necessary breakthroughs and opportunities.

User persona and adventure maps

Analysis of the causes of pain points in terms of internal and external factors

Creative thinking - defining the problem

Sources of inspiration, thinking outside the box to find solutions

Sketches, various solution possibilities

Technical Reflection - Holographic Projection

Prototyping, testing and feedback

Based on the test results, several modifications were made to find an ergonomic and user-friendly physical user interface design

Final design

Storyboard - How?

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